Mario Čaušić - visual artist

I was born in 1972 in Osijek, Croatia. I graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Zagreb in 2001

Currently i live and work in Osijek as assistant professor at the Academy of Arts in Osijek. I have taken part in numerous solo and group exhibitions.

In my own artistic work i am dedicated to exeprimental exploration of space and its manifestations as well as broadening the boudaries of the medium.

If You are intrested in purchase of my works or organising an exibition, feel free to contact me on the following e-mail:

nedjelja, 22. prosinca 2019.






"In the six minutes that follow, Mario Causic shows us a typological series of photos of graffiti, displayed to a strict rhythm, like a series of slides. The image changes every ten seconds, exactly at the sound that initially calls to mind the shutter of a robust kind of camera, but eventually turns out unmistakably to be the loading of a gun. Causic purposefully confronts the serene tranquillity of the morning with raw, sometimes aggressive texts. Without too many creative frills, these texts were sprayed and chalked onto the washed-out walls of the houses in his surroundings. The strict succession of statements has a poetic but alienating effect. The English translations of the Croatian texts quickly put an end to the poetic sensation, leaving no room for mistakes about their intention and origin. Besides confrontation, there is also room for relativization; thus, the text "I hate niggers and racists" initially has something almost endearing. However, within the context of the entire sequence, there is no escape from its depressing significance."
From the exhibition foreword „Extended views“, Maastricht, The Nederlands
Jan Schuijren


"Tijekom idućih šest minuta rada Mario Čaušić prikazuje tipološki slijed fotografija grafita, izloženih u strogom ritmu poput niza slajdova. Slika se izmjenjuje svakih deset sekundi, točno u trenutku kada se začuje zvuk koji potsjeća na zvuk blende robusnog foto-aparata, za koji se u končanosti nepogrešivo ispostavlja da je zvuk repetiranja oružja. Čaušić svjesno sučeljava spokojnu mirnoću jutra sa sirovim, ponekad agresivnim tekstovima. Isti su naneseni na isprane zidove kuća u susjedstvu sprejom ili kredom i to bez puno kreativnog afektiranja. Vrlo strog slijed izjava rezultira poetičnim, ali udaljavajućim učinkom. Engleski prijevodi hrvatskih tekstova brzo okončavaju poetsku senzaciju ne ostavljajući prostora dvojbi u svezi njihove namjere i podrijetla. Osim sučeljavanja postoji prostor za relativiziranje, tako da tekst „Mrzim crnce i rasiste“ u samom začetku sa sobom nosi nešto gotovo simpatično. Ipak, unutar konteksta cijelog niza nemoguće je pobjeći od njegovog deprimirajućeg smisla."   
Tekst iz predgovora izložbe „Extended views“, Maastricht, Nizozemska
Jan Schuijren


This short experimental video is conceived as kind of monument to lost time and nature. The work is an elegy on the relationship of man to the environment.

VIDEO -LOST- duration 2'43'', 2006.


duration  3' 31''


A short video that deals with the percepcion of space and place of living that surrounds us and questions how it affects the formation of man.
The video shows the individual and his view of parts of the city trough a series of photographs that alternate in silence.




Umjetnička akcija  "Jutro u mojoj ulici" (citati), izvedena je 2005. godine u Osijeku. Bila je sastavni dio  skupne izložbe koja je bila postavljena u galeriji Kazamat. Prvi dio postava, u galeriji,  je bio video "Jutro u mojoj ulici" sa snimkama uličnih poruka napisanih na zidovima grada. Drugi dio je akcija gdje sam citate pojedinih umjetnika ispisao na metalne ploče i postavio ih na ulice grada. Interes mi je bio mjenjanje prostora i propitivanje samih institucija te sam tako u galeriju unio ulicu, a na ulicu pokušao prenijeti dijelove umjetničkih misli. Rezultat akcije je bio promptno uklanjanje ploča sa citatima kao nešto što narušava ulične vizure i postavljeno je bez odobrenja. S druge strane ulične poruke su ostale ispisane na istim mjestima na kojima su izvorno snimljene ali i u galerijskom prostoru gdje su prensesene putem video rada.

Umjetničku akciju su snimali Sanda Katavić i Dražen Budimir
Montaža i izvedba- Mario Čaušić

(QUOTES) in 2005

Morning in my street" with recordings of street messages written on the walls of the city. The second part is an action where I wrote quotes from individual artists on metal plates and placed them on the streets of the city. I was interested in changing the space and questioning the institutions themselves, so I brought the street into the gallery and tried to transfer parts of artistic thoughts to the street. The result of the action was the prompt removal of the citation board as something that detracts from street views and was installed without approval. On the other hand, the street messages remained printed in the same places where they were originally recorded, but also in the gallery space where they were taken over via video work. 

The artistic action was recorded by Sanda Katavić and Dražen Budimir 
Assembly and montage - Mario Čaušić

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